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In this video I will be showing you the new desert biome in which will be the upcoming update very soon. Also I show some of the confirmed desert animals and a few other desert animal ideas. All desert animals are included according to the food chain with animals such as
Kangroo rat in, Meerkatin, Scorpion in, Trantula in, lizard in, armadillo in, dromedary in, kangaroo in, coyote in, snake in, hedgehog in, vulture in, cougar in, komodo dragon in, death worm in, sphinx in! Hope you will enjoy this video MOPE.IO DESERT BIOME CONFIRMED | ALL DESERT ANIMALS IDEAS | MOPE.IO NEW UPDATE(
Thank you so much for watching and for the support! Subscribe for more!
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All the animals in the game include:
Land Animals:
Mouse, Rabbit, Fox, Pig, Zebra, Cheetah, Gorilla/Harambe, Lion, Deer, Mole, Bear, Croc, Hippo, Dragon and Black Dragon
Ocean Animals:
Shrimp, Trout, Crab, Squid, Jellyfish, Stingray, Pufferfish, Swordfish, Shark, Orca/Killer whale and Kraken, cthulhu
Arctic Animals:
lemming (snow mouse)/Chipmunk, arctic hare, penguin, seal, arctic fox, reindeer,donkey, muskOx, snow leopard, walrus, polar bear, wolverine, wolf,mammoth, abominable snowman.
You can also check out my previous video:
Thank you so much for watching and for the support! Subscribe for more!
★ - Thanks for watching!

Tags: All Animals, Dragon, Black Dragon, Secret Animals, Hack, World record, Highscore, 100000k score, After dragon, New update, New animals, Kraken, new ocean update, ocean animals, Cthulhu, Desert biome, Desert animals, all desert animals, desert update, death worm, sphinx,

Пікірлер: 778
@CookieGuy 8 жыл бұрын
*Let's get 25,000 awesome subscribers real quick
@blocked1232 8 жыл бұрын
CookieGuy I think sphinx should be the hippos replacement cuz the other one had no texture like no actual skin
@arbereshagruda7389 8 жыл бұрын
CookieGuy love u
@clairtonmiguelalmeida5290 8 жыл бұрын
arberesha gruda me too
@CalebBBQ 8 жыл бұрын
CookieGuy I AM THE 25,000 SUBCRIBER!!!!!!
@unipez2102 8 жыл бұрын
Caleb BBQ no you not, I'm the 24,999 so...
@ayo123 8 жыл бұрын
I have some ability ideas: Kangaroo Rat: None Meerkat: Eyesight ( increases camera size to see a bit further away) Scorpion: Poison Sting ( When a predator or tail-biter bites tail, similarly to Jellyfish, it poisons the foe which slowly takes a bit of health) Tarantula: Burrow ( like the Mole ability) or Extra Boost, I can't choose so maybe none) Armadillo: Roll ( It turns into a ball which has great defence, like crab's shell, and does double damage but it is 50% slower) Lizard: Climb Trees and spit poison ( a short distance spit attack but its distance is half dragon's fireball. It does same thing as Scorpion's ability) Dromedary: Thirst Ability ( It does not need thirst for a great amount of time) Kangaroo: Extra Boost Coyote: None Hedgehog: Ball Attack ( It goes into a ball and whoever dumb enough to touch it gets stuns and deals some damage) Vulture: Short Flight ( For about 10 seconds the vulture can fly over anything, like dragon's flight ability) Cougar: None ( I would say "roar" but these animals actually purr and cannot "roar") Komodo Dragon: Poisonous Fang ( When W is pressed it would make a bite image, like the crocodile's drag bite ability, and when it bites an animal it would slowly hurt it taking a fourth of damage) Death Worm: Underground Dash ( It will be able to dig a hole anywhere and burrow for a minute or a minute and a half. Whoever touches it while underground gets hurt. I know this is good since it would be hard for Death Worm to even catch anyone in burrow form since you cant run while underground...) Thanks for reading (if you even read any of it xD )my ability list for the Desert Biome (Traction). You're the best! Like if you like my idea list xD
@TheRandomWolf 8 жыл бұрын
Golden Nitro Coyote should be able to howl.
@TheRandomWolf 8 жыл бұрын
Golden Nitro I love the death worm ability idea.
@ayo123 8 жыл бұрын
You actually have a point.... I didn't think about that xD
@TheRandomWolf 8 жыл бұрын
Golden Nitro Yea nice ideas though! The howl should probably be weaker than the wolves though sense coyotes are smaller.
@ayo123 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for saying that, man! It means a lot.
@kartblaster9987 8 жыл бұрын
Desert pros and cons Pros: some animals do well in the desert biome. Cons: Less water found and water drains faster for non-desert animals
@zoomiin 8 жыл бұрын
maybe add an elephant, the ability could be picking animals up with their trunk
@mypop1322 8 жыл бұрын
the editing is amazing!
@metause4064 8 жыл бұрын
I have a nice idea for the last Dessert animal! The sun god his abbility is unknow
@lifedoom2922 8 жыл бұрын
dat good
@robertoz5968 8 жыл бұрын
Ability is going to be burning animals with HUGE damage
@robertoz5968 8 жыл бұрын
Its like they are standing in front of the sun
@clairtonmiguelalmeida5290 8 жыл бұрын
metause you like Phrao i dont now write
@bryancranstonofallpeople1282 8 жыл бұрын
maaaaybe he can kill alll animals = to himself in a rightclick
@metalwerke44 4 жыл бұрын
Mouse = Desert Rat (The Same) Rabbit = Desert Chipmunk Mole = Meerkat Pig = Armadillo Deer = Gazelle Fox = Fennec Fox Zebra = Warthog Giraffe = Camel Cheetah = Rattlesnake Bear = Hyena and Gobi Bear Crocodile = Vulture (The Same) Rhino = Bison Hippo = Komodo Dragon (The Same) Elephant = Blackwidow Spider Dragon = Pterodactyl Land Monster = Giant Scorpion
@sohomsattyam147 8 жыл бұрын
Meerkat:Dig hole (just like mole) Armadillo:Can be rolling around like a wheel Kangoro:Jump over animal and rock/hills Coyote:(Same as wolf ability) Porcupine:Spike at back (just like jellyfish and donkey) Vulture:shoot egg or poop at ppl Cougar:Climb hill Death Worm:Dig around just like a mole so if it change sphinx Sphinx:abiltity to shock ppl PLs rate these ideas!
@converter6788 8 жыл бұрын
Sohom Sattyam every side
@sohomsattyam147 8 жыл бұрын
@artisticexposure5205 8 жыл бұрын
Sohom Sattyam Nice ideas but plz rate MY ideas it just up there😑Dont see it?Well if u dont see it u DUMB jk
@sohomsattyam147 8 жыл бұрын
I understood! Cool dude! xD.. :)
@cockneycracker 8 жыл бұрын
Sohom Sattyam NAH meerkat should have a better range of seeing or they can gather meerkat friends because they work greatly together I love meerkats :3
@mcs 7 жыл бұрын
The zebra should have a 'blind animal' function. And CookieGuy. I'm in your Discord as bot!
@fanofterashd6646 8 жыл бұрын
Kangaroo can kick higher level animals away while doing some damage
@leocadiosanch9748 8 жыл бұрын
I have a good idea for the hedgehog animal, it should be: hold W to use spikes but they stay out as long as how a croc's bite drag lasts, or until you release W. Then the spikes won't work anymore until the cool down ends which ends every 10 seconds. Spikes do damage and stun just like the pufferfish! please put this in your next vid for animal ability ideas, It would be a great pleasure
@rubienmarasigan8001 8 жыл бұрын
The cacti would be the water?
@gabrielsilvatonini3579 8 жыл бұрын
Tarantula:String Shot Armadillo:Protect Lizard:Claw Slash Dromedary:Spit+Imune Sandstorm Kangaroo:Kick(Front) Coyote:Loud Noise(Lion/Wolverine/Hippo Hegdhog:Spikes Vulture:Peck Cougar:Speed Boost Komodo Dragon:(Any for now) Death Worm/Sphinix:Sandstorm
@TheRandomWolf 8 жыл бұрын
Gabriel Silva Tonini Komodo dragon is venomous so that would be its ability to inject venom into prey and Komodo dragon had very strong venom in real life it can kill a buffalo with one bite.
@TheRandomWolf 8 жыл бұрын
Gabriel Silva Tonini The kangaroo could have a speed boost just like cheetah too.
@ejderhairfan3563 8 жыл бұрын
İ Have a nice idea for tarantula,armadillo(pls +1) Tarantula should throw net around. and people get touch the net its slow down and remain freeze effect Armadillo should become a ball and attack people or its can project itself with ball
@Spongebobfishes 8 жыл бұрын
tarantula live underground
@omargaming1390 8 жыл бұрын
Captain Obvious yes
@penaiple473 8 жыл бұрын
i got a tarantula in real life
@bennettwilliams5869 8 жыл бұрын
@silvius5054 8 жыл бұрын
Camel - Can shoot water at other animals and confuse them. Armalido - Can roll itself into a spiky ball to stun prey / escape enemies Meerkar - Can dig under holes same as mole. Spider - Can shoot web at other animals to keep them freezed, of course they can break free by moving or the predator to bite them. Kangaroo - Can have a boost same as cheetah's and snow leopard Coyote - A howl like the wolf has? Hedgehog - Can use its poweful spikes to protect itself. Vulture - Can fly over everything like dragon cannot go underwater or holes . Cougar - Maybe a scratch attack? Komodo Dragon - Can use its powerful venomous bite to kill animals (1 shoot 1 kill) Death Worm - Can go undergroung anywhere on the map Sphinx - If thd sphinx will be added thd ability is to fire a golden lazer which stuns prey.
@dumbopinion61 8 жыл бұрын
I have an idea. Please add a oasis which will be rare, With the fruit dates, The fruit that will level you up the quickest. Add a mummy and a pyramid, Maybe you can be the mummy, Please add dens for all of the maps!
@dumbopinion61 8 жыл бұрын
Also consider adding a "Cloud Map" Which it will be treetops and clouds, Mostly birds, Maybe flying squirrels, etc. For the Cloud map, The boss could be a HUGE blue, gray, maybe some black dragon!
@woolymoolymoolywooly2268 8 жыл бұрын
Meerkat:Dig hole (just like mole) Armadillo:Can be rolling around like a wheel
@woolymoolymoolywooly2268 8 жыл бұрын
Kangoro:Jump over animal and rock/hills Coyote:(Same as wolf ability)
@woolymoolymoolywooly2268 8 жыл бұрын
Porcupine:Spike at back (just like jellyfish and donkey) Vulture:shoot egg or poop at ppl
@woolymoolymoolywooly2268 8 жыл бұрын
Cougar:Climb hill/Rocks when it sprint it will climb over them but when it not sprinnting it will fall Death Worm:Dig around just like a mole
@woolymoolymoolywooly2268 8 жыл бұрын
soo if it change sphinx Sphinx:abiltity to shock ppl
@idalipszyc9856 8 жыл бұрын
Spirit -Gaming & Drawing and couguar should have and ability to clibm hills but also rocks when it's sprinting on them, when stops sprinting it would fall off
@samiam4773 8 жыл бұрын
Spiders should be able to have a quick jolt of energy in order to ambush things. If not, spiders should be able to grab something smaller than it and inject it with venom.
@mythrilly 7 жыл бұрын
Abilities: Scorpion: Tail sting (Does 1 melee second of poison) Tarantula: Same as scorpion Armadillo: Shell (same as turtle) Lizard: Grow bush (same as tiger when W is held) Camel: Stun animals with ranged spit Kangaroo: Hop (Can stun animals and damages as much as donkey) Coyote: Extra boost Hedgehog: Shell (Same as turtle) Vulture: Fly for 2 sec Cougar: Hide in tree and climb green hills Komodo Dragon: Jaws bite (same as T-Rex) I think this should be "Sphinx": Burning Sand (Same as dragon)
@yesul1883 7 жыл бұрын
Scorpion: Bite The bite will take half of the animal's life and let slow for 3s or 5s Armadillo: turtle's ability too :p Lizard: Regeneration (1/4 of the life) or camouflage (10s of hiding in the floor) Dromedary: Less water loss than every desert animal Kangaroo: When attacked, has fight skills (and for ability boost) Coyote: like the wolf at all :p Hedgehog: when attacked he poison for a time the prefator Vulture: Go through the hills (flying) Cougar: Disguise behind rocks and trees Komodo dragon: Speed boost :p and go through hills
@mrdwags1784 8 жыл бұрын
Ideas : Scorpion should be able to sting to get away from predators Spider should be able to bite prey or enemies to stun them Armadillo should be able to roll to get around faster, or run/catch up with prey
@chloechin9135 8 жыл бұрын
cat:grabs animals by its claw dog:makes a very loud bark or grrr
@ronin3018 8 жыл бұрын
death worm need to be able to go underground and stay under as long as a kraken, and the death worm's bubble stop should also be really small where its almost invisible in the ground :D
@zoomiin 8 жыл бұрын
vultures can pick up prey and stun them when dropped, or can go over hills and rocks because they can fly
@ApprenticeJourney 8 жыл бұрын
hey guys do you remember the good ole days of mope??? not many people know the oldest versions of the game. once the mouse was before dragon lol.
@angee1163 8 жыл бұрын
The meerkat should have a digging ability! Because it hides underground. Just like the mole.
@warpw1ng561 8 жыл бұрын
dude the scorpion should work like the jellyfish and tarantula can place web that last a couple seconds to either catch prey or slow down enemies. maybe meerkats can teleport to different holes when they are in one. that's all I got lol
@rubenzacatenco5128 8 жыл бұрын
I really like the idea of the death work and how abiliady can be he can dig anywhere he will like
@WingsOfKarma 8 жыл бұрын
wow! the desert boss was awesome! at first i was like, _obviously sphinx_ but now i think deathworm might actually be better! also, i think the deathworm's ability should be digging, like the mole.
@koki5258 7 жыл бұрын
I like fennec foxes their so cute!!!!
@fiffisissi 7 жыл бұрын
Kangaroo rat: dig tunnels under hills and hide for 20 seconds Meerkat: go on top of hills and zoom out the camera too get a better view scorpion: sting players with a poison that will slowly take damage and stun them Tarantula: bite players too stun them and will do 20 damage soo 5 bites will kill a player Armadilo: roll into a ball and roll away ( like a rhino charges ) Lizard: can camoflauge into the thing its standing on dromedary: can spit water at players too stun them Kangaroo: can hop over hills and rocks and the river coyote: can do same ability as foxes hedgehog: can roll into a spike ball and if players touch you , they will get damaged vulture: can carry players around and can fly over hills and rocks and water cougar: can run like a cheetah and has 2x attack damage komodo dragon: same ability as crocodile but has too only be done on rivers death worm: can eat players whole but if it fights a komodo dragon or cougar it takes about 3 bites too eat them
@Jaydenn_uwu 8 жыл бұрын
You should add quick sand which would act like mud and the scorpion can move fast through it!
@TheRandomWolf 8 жыл бұрын
CrosstownAce YES!! And some types of animals can sink and die in it.
@idalipszyc9856 8 жыл бұрын
@penaiple473 8 жыл бұрын
CrosstownAce omg thats a great idea :D
@grin9368 8 жыл бұрын
Good idea!
@tec62tratornew50 7 жыл бұрын
DragonGrinberg good
@scoobp5652 7 жыл бұрын
The "Death Worm" doesn't really *SAND* good to be honest. Why not a Gila monster? A black with orange spots-ish lizard. Which is a real thing, found usually in places like a Chihuahuan, Mojave and Sonoran deserts. It spends time underground a lot but once they bite, they bite fiercely without letting go, they provide a little bit of venom and the only way to get it off usually is to go in water and try to drown it. In real life the bite is painful but probably won't kill you. Otherwise the abilities- Venom bite (when biting an animal they will constantly get hurt for 2 seconds) - Lach on (similar like croc bite but more painful will no let go until you get to water. Venom will affect as well) So yeah. My idea
@scoobp5652 7 жыл бұрын
Pun intended.
@WingsOfKarma 8 жыл бұрын
Remember when i said the deathworm's ability should be digging? well i am gonna list what i think all the abilities should be. also, quick note, i think the tarantula should be replaced by a rattlesnake. kangaroo rat-none meerkat-none scorpion-jellyfish and able to move quick on mud rattlesnake-venomous bite armadillo-crab/turtle lizard/horny devil-none camel-able to go on for a long time before needing water. kangaroo-cheetah coyote-wolf hedgehog-not sure. comment what you think! vulture-able to turn on a mode that makes everything a shade of yellow that lasts for 3 seconds. whenever an animal dies, it should create a corpse of that animal that other animals can eat. when you turn on the mode as a vulture, there will be arrows pointing at all corpses on the map. the arrows' color will indicate how far away the corpse is. cougar-can climb rocks, trees and hills. komodo dragon-venomous bite (but much stronger than the rattlesnake's) and i already said the deathworm's ability, so that's it!
@3mediajunkies 8 жыл бұрын
for the spider, the ability should be they can make webs in a random place, it being hidden, then someone gets trapped in it, letting the spider attack.
@bjbrown488 8 жыл бұрын
CookieGuy - We should have lizard animal have a licking ability to like people to them like croc bite drag that should be good! a Good job!
@shii3627 8 жыл бұрын
I have so nice ideas!!! food ideas: Instead of berries there can be cactus berries that come from cacti also there can be random meat and bones and also I guess near oases there can be vegetation and water but thats it for that. Abilities: I only have some abilities so first the death worm i have two abilities but im thinking the death worm should have both so first it can dig underground but where ever it wants and when ever it wants, and second it can eat some of the ground and then exhale it at the enemy (does more dmg then the dragons ability) and this one is for the African spider (another idea for the lion) can spray a hole ton of poison at pray or predators and dose some poison dmg after the spray (same dmg as the dragons fire balls fire dmg) also I think that that the vulture should be the bear and the hedgehog should be removed and then the croc can be the anaconda so its abilities are that you can target an animal on screen and then constrict it doing lots off dmg in the process and then instead of the cougar you can have the emperor scorpion its ability will be that it pinches its target and then poisons you by smashing its huge tale into its victim and then the komodo dragon can have an ability that lets it do a huge bite that can damage anything its wants for example it can take half of a dragons health in one bite. But thats all also sorry if this is long but how else was I supposed to do also hope you have a great day ^0^ BTW your awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@shii3627 8 жыл бұрын
Well now that the sphinx is confirmed well there is one way to give us the death worm making a new animal after the dragon and stuff like that and i think they should have not 1 not 2 but 3 abilities. so for the dragons there can then be hydras and krakens=Cthulhus and yetis=icy beast sphinx=death worm and also just because the creators say that new biomes like the swamp and stuff a'l add em in. big foot (in jungle) can then be the ent or Trent if you want so then in the swamp has a lock ness can then be the jormungand then after that coral reefs don't have a final animal yet so im just saying maybe an gigantic octopus??? then for the sky map we can just have an flying serpent or long dragon type thing after the phoenix and then for the volcanoes the normal dragon would be the last animal for now of the volcanoes so then the volcanic dragon after him then for the savanna maybe a tatanaboa or an anaconda on steroids. so now for the ability's oh god no il do this tomorrow at like 6:00 pm oh
@AndrewSteitz 7 жыл бұрын
Lizard can use toung to drag animals
@haydenthomson2083 7 жыл бұрын
Yes like you can shoot your tong at someone and drag them toward you do damage while being dragged but to animals bigger it hits them and damages them but bounds of them
@kittenmanperskin1303 7 жыл бұрын
I think that the worm would either grab like a crocodile or go tunnel to tullen or make hiding holes
@aziz8025 8 жыл бұрын
Death worm must be can able to spring in to a animal and then he is for 2.5 seconds stunned and also he needs to get under sand that is his speciality and so he can suprise a dragon hippo or a rhino
@daraher8437 8 жыл бұрын
Hmm A Horned lizard Change the name of a lizard
@metalwerke44 4 жыл бұрын
The Coyote Is Moved to Plains at the Cheetah Tier
@janvanes10 8 жыл бұрын
I have 2 amazing ability idea for the Deathworm: 1. It should be able to dig like a mole and then once the worm comes above ground close to another animal the animal will get 2x the normal damage the worm normaly deals. 2. This may sound confusing but, hear me out. Once the worm goes into quicksand it will be able to hide itself in it, just like diving in the ocean biome, but when it comes back up, it has the same sucking ability like the kraken. And on land (so not the quicksand) it should be able to burrow itself like a mole and have the bite drag ability from croc, so it can drag other animals underground and slowly make them suffocate; May be a new addon! 😀 Pls tell me which one is better! Ps: Love ur vids!
@senens4437 8 жыл бұрын
I think that when there are A lot of biomes, you should be able to pick which biome you want to play in and then the whole map is just that biome
@uemanoel 6 жыл бұрын
here in 2019 have the true desert biome
@plsdontsubmehordie5284 8 жыл бұрын
Ability Scorpion: Poison
@blueblob3583 8 жыл бұрын
I have an idea for food!!! Mushrooms could be replaced with insects and the mushroom bushes could be replaced with tumbleweeds!! Also for the cougars ability it dash then claws twice!! Hope ya see this! :D
@turtle9186 8 жыл бұрын
i think a kangaroo can jump onto animal causing 10% damage like mario XD
@turtle9186 8 жыл бұрын
should not can
@謝小傑-s2w 5 жыл бұрын
It's a Mario time !!!
@weaselstormsorensen9135 8 жыл бұрын
deathworm should be able to dig anywhere,and when it comes out of ground(no air limit)it stuns anything around it,and sends dust everywhere
@aspalilalolabdmajid8744 8 жыл бұрын
the scorpion can sting so the enemy/prey can be paralyze for like 5 sec( and maybe can hide in a rock?) .the armadillo can curl up into a ball to protect itself.the spider can climb up rock and tree stuff.the vulture can fly right so it can fly above tree but not rock and can made loud noise.the death worm can suck in animal with its big mouth
@aspalilalolabdmajid8744 8 жыл бұрын
hedgehog can pull out spike(can it)
@abcawforgetit1387 8 жыл бұрын
I think that the Death Worm can have the same ability as the mole, yet faster.
@erich5580 8 жыл бұрын
I think all of the dessert animals should be able to survive longer without water and the water generators are less common to find
@quack4206 7 жыл бұрын
the armadillos ability should be to crawl up in a spiky ball (Like a pufferfish but does pain and dosent paralise) and the lizard should be able to camouflage on the land (Almost like octopus, but invisible).
@stephenunsworth551 8 жыл бұрын
Camel ability:store water when holding ability button for couple of seconds. You have to go to a water thing or lake and hold it down while drinking in to store then maybe another ability to drop the water so u can drink
@ralfsgrinbergs4418 8 жыл бұрын
Lizard can eat a armadillo... nice one CG.
@jbotter8405 8 жыл бұрын
The desert will have 3x less water spouts and you thirst faster, Scorpion can sting, tarantula can shoot webs to animals to stun them, armadillo can curl up to a defense ball WITH NO DAMAGE and can last for 13 seconds
@emperort.7300 8 жыл бұрын
Camel should have a water boost ability so if it's low on water you can make it jump back up
@althealligator1467 8 жыл бұрын
I don't understand why they don't move the freakin' zebra, cheetah, lion, crocodile, rhino, and hippo to the desert!!! I mean they live in the savannah, sooo...
@gharials1071 8 жыл бұрын
Kangaroo Rat: 4/10 Like the idea but its very far from a popular/original animal.. Animal Ability: None Meerkat: 6/10 Nice. Animal Ability: Look at the bottom of this comment. Scorpion: 8/10 Awesome its being added.. Animal Ability: It can sting prey/predators in a certain radius that makes them poisoned (kind of like fire) but with different particles. Tarantula: 7/10 100% Hope its gonna be in-game. Animal Ability: Maybe it can pinch prey which adds some additional damage (including tailbites, or maybe it can poison prey (if i remember correctly that tarantulas are poisonous). Armadillo: 9/10 Fix the skin a little, but great idea! Animal Ability: Can roll in a ball (like the crab) and take less damage. Lizard: 9/10 100% Want it in-game man. Maybe in an update they can add a chameleon too! Animal Ability: Maybe when it rests in sunny areas, it can regenerate faster and take less damage. Camel: 7/10 Nice idea. I would prefer it in-game. Animal Ability: I don't think it should have an ability, though if it would, maybe it could carry an animal on its back. Low chance to have two humps? Kangaroo: 10/10 Love the skin by the way. Animal Ability: It can have a pounce (like the cheetah). Maybe if the creator has enough time, it can have a pouch in the future for minions (babies). Coyote: 6/10 Love the idea, but it doesn't go with the desert. Animal Ability: Can howl like a Wolf. Hedgehog: 8/10 Change the hedgehog to a porcupine so it can have an ability. Animal Ability: If it can be a porcupine, maybe it can have spikes in a certain radius (like a lion roar just a different animation). Vulture: 6/10 Good idea, VERY nice skin. Animal Ability: can peck on prey, maybe can get x2 food from dead corpses. Cougar: 4/10 Just not too good in my opinion, sorry. Animal Ability: can pounce or can hide in tall grass. Komodo Dragon: 7/10 Yup, somehow i knew there was going to be Komodo Dragon. Change the skin.. Animal Idea: Can spin poisonous saliva at prey that can poison them in a radius. Death worm 4/10 I'm sorry, I'd rather a sphinx over a Death Worm (I dislike sphinx too). I do like the skin though. Animal Ability: can grab prey like a crocodile and can do x2 damage. (I don't know if that'd be too OP). Please Note: This took a while to make this message, please conceder highlight/pin this comment and maybe give me a shoutout in the next video? It's up to you. I hope this has helped you and the creator, Your logo could be changed. And i do agree with〖Ħ❷Ω〗 Unipez to change the kangaroo rat to a hedgehog. and i like the suggestion from Taylorsville RULES and Spirit -Gaming & Drawing that the meerkat should be able to dig holes in the ground. Have a great day. (At least i give shoutouts unlike other people). Like this comment if you like it and dislike it if you disliked it. It critically helps me get ideas. Thank you for taking the time to read this comment if you did, other than that have a great day. :)
@natashapuhar9248 8 жыл бұрын
hey cookie! I just wanted to add something to the Tarantula.. Maybe when the Tarantula enters water every 3-5 seconds it gets hurt.. hopefully this can be added KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
@zoomiin 8 жыл бұрын
hedgehog can be like the pufferfish and can defend itself with spikes
@TheKrazykat2 8 жыл бұрын
I like the death worm better than Sphinx, it could go underground like the mole and create like quick sand when it comes up (kinda like kraken) x3
@weaselstormsorensen9135 8 жыл бұрын
it also can go over hills(sand dunes i would call it)but not whatever rocks are :3
@niteowlfanatic 7 жыл бұрын
I think the Armadillo should be able to protect itself from 95 percent of damage for a short amount of time. Name of attack: Protection
@carsonfarley1980 8 жыл бұрын
the scorpion should have a poison ability where it slowly damages predators and prey
@idalipszyc9856 8 жыл бұрын
aaawww couguar looks so cute with this horn on its nose XD and someone (maybe Tronny) made this hedgehog skin I think vulrures should be able to fly over hills and rocks and maybe mud, lakes and water spots, kangaroos should be able to punch enemies (similar to donker kick) and the last animal should be SPHINX.
@idalipszyc9856 8 жыл бұрын
oh and vultures and maybe other flying birds that will be added should go ABOVE those green transparent bushes and when they stand there they cant be hit by anyone except dragon and other bird or thrown off the tree by a roaring abitity and other animals can still go under the bush
@idalipszyc9856 8 жыл бұрын
Take a look I think it is great idea that flying birds should be able to stand on transparent bushes Cmon ppl! comment YOUR AWESOME IDEAS! :D
@weaselstormsorensen9135 8 жыл бұрын
lizard should have squid abilility,but red and he has to stand still,it will do a small bit of damage and stun for 1.5,lizard should get a small speed boost too
@tomaspomata5632 8 жыл бұрын
the death worm can have the mole ability but when it goes out it can make like the Kraken ability.
@RiddledSol 7 жыл бұрын
SO HYPE FOR DESERT!!!!! ((Had a dream about it once :P))
@zoomiin 8 жыл бұрын
kangaroos can kick like the donkey, or get an extra boost or go over hills because of their massive jump
@sebastisn3709 8 жыл бұрын
The death worm should be able to dig under ground forever and have no sign like bubbles.
@kingtigershark7197 8 жыл бұрын
The scorpion should be able to stun them with the tail and pinch them to stun them but the tail will poison them for like 2 seconds The meerkat well this is also for the terrain um add meerkat holes and the meerkats are the only ones that can go in BUT it's different so you can go through an underground tunnel and go to another one! The spider should not make a web but spit venom and while the animal that's hit with it the spider gets just a tad more fast I'm still wondering but with the vulture can like when any animal gets killed it leaves meat but other animals can't eat it (but when they kill the animal they get the fair food amount) so then the vultures get to eat it but they don't get the amount of exp as when you kill them alone and depending on the animal is how long it takes to eat it like a time bar of when it gets filled you eat it and you can fly for a fair amount of time! Make the armadillo be able to roll around in its shell for a short amount of time and OH OH add quick sand so all desert creatures can go through but others will sink but can get out you go as slow as you are in mud but take damage over time Have the lizard be able to camouflage like an octopus on land but leave a body part laying out of the camouflage so you can tell if it's a lizard and add palm trees so bears and stuff can't climb up them but certain desert animals can! And IF they add the raddle snake make it be able to raddle it's tail and in a radius make the animals inside get stunned but the raddle snake gets slowed like the kraken when it does its ability! But also make it have venom and have it do the same as the scorpion! Make the camel have its water go down less and make it squirt it out costing water out of the water bar With the kangaroo have it jump over thing like trees rocks animals and water holes! With the coyote make it have the ability of the wolf but it also has night vision Oh and almost forgot add a day and night cycle so it's like more realistic! (Don't take that the wrong way) With the hedgehog make it be able to curl up and be in a ball and to make it less realistic make it be spiky! With the cougar make it be able to pounce and have a growl like the wolverine!! And I really hope they add this one make the Komodo dragon have poisonous bites and if they add the vulture thing have the Komodo dragon be able to eat it too but quicker With the DEATH WORM DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN make it dig underground anywhere (except the ocean) and have it lunge torwards it's enemies and SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF THEM!!!!! (Not really) and make it be blinded when it's lunged at! ===============================animals that I want to be added============================================== Can you have there be an aardvark so there are termite nests that they'll dig into it to get the termites (which goes perfectly with the next one) Make there be a termite so you can go in the nests and if an aardvark gets into it will leave a big hole in it so that anything can get you so you as a termite can pick up sand grains (which are like the snow mound things in the snow place but smaller) bring them to the nest and fix it!!!! Make there be a food that is grubs yeah the gross ones that bear grills eats for the adventures Make there be a clown fish along with sea anenames (if that's how you spell it and this is for the ocean) so you are the only one that can't be hurt if your a clown fish because sea anenames will hurt you if your not a clown fish And yeah that's all I have for this freakishly long comment
@willow7133 8 жыл бұрын
kangaroo rat:???????? meerkat:dig (like mole) scorpion:sting (like jellyfish) tarantula:grab (like crocodile) armadillo:roll up (like turtle) lizard:spood boost (like cheetah) dromedary:no water needed kangaroo:kick (like donkey) coyote:howl (like wolf) hedgehog:poof up (like pufferfish) vulture:extra damage cougar:spood boost (like cheetah) komodo dragon: poison spit death worm:grab (like crocodile)
@ogscule 8 жыл бұрын
They should have sinkholes that non-desert animals could get caught in and die.
@trind8308 8 жыл бұрын
I think the animel thats equel to dragon on desert will be monster cobra If u press w it will swallow pray in its full size only aviable on 2 lvl smaller animels
@theheroweneed1574 8 жыл бұрын
I think the Horned Lizard should have a ability more based on its ability to shoot blood from its eyes
@noahfrome5699 8 жыл бұрын
@lpsstarfalls9323 7 жыл бұрын
The mole should be able to throw a web and then the prey/attacker get stunned The pig should be able to poison other players and it drains health until you get to water or something like that Mouse should be able to hop because it's a kangaroo mouse That's al hope you liked my suggestions Cookie! 😄
@patheticpoet 8 жыл бұрын
I love Hedgehog in real life and in the Game!
@clairtonmiguelalmeida5290 8 жыл бұрын
Arda Yavuz Sanic kkkk !!!!
@xxmememasterxx3892 8 жыл бұрын
I love hedgehogs two!!
@weaselstormsorensen9135 8 жыл бұрын
deathworm should be in dragons place,spinx can be hippo or something
@anti_cryptid4621 8 жыл бұрын
Weaselstorm Sorensen I reckon like a golem or rock giant XD
@weaselstormsorensen9135 8 жыл бұрын
no death worm sounds better :3
@LYuae 8 жыл бұрын
Scorpion: Posion Stinger,Camel: Spit attack XD, Vulture: Dash attack. Food:CACTUS,Fungi
@zoomiin 8 жыл бұрын
maybe there can be dinosaurs in the desert, or they can add another place for dinosaurs
@meiamojulio6319 8 жыл бұрын
Like if u agree :D the camel shouldn't lose water as fast as the other animals yea? I think its awesome ability! :)
@TheRandomWolf 8 жыл бұрын
Junior Davila Yes camels water should last for awhile and if you play it the right way getting food and killing animals you will level up before the water even runs out.
@emperort.7300 8 жыл бұрын
Death worm should be able to burrow at any point without a hole and jump out over things like hills if it's close enough
@MusaMoh 7 жыл бұрын
At the desert your water should run out quickly and it surrendered by water its like an island but there is a lot of food
@george_applewolf6744 8 жыл бұрын
the death worm ability should be similar to mole, but they can burrow anywhere
@cfseymo 7 жыл бұрын
love your vids
@Shawnoob 8 жыл бұрын
The spider can slow down his ennemy with his spider web And the camel dont lose water
@zoomiin 8 жыл бұрын
death worm probably wont happen, it can have a better ability than a mole, it can go underground whenever it wants and ambush prey. maybe it can throw dirt or also have an extra boost.
@xx_michael_xx7013 8 жыл бұрын
The scorpion should have like the donket the ability to sting them with its venomous touch.
@lexithemint 8 жыл бұрын
Tarentula can make Web for trap the preys ? :D
@tonygoesham777 8 жыл бұрын
I think that cactus should be added to the game 2k as not a giant mushroom, I also think that the ability should be that the death worm could pretend that its a cactus diguise
@belinda8243 8 жыл бұрын
Maybe for the tarantula if it's trying to catch it's prey can inject venom in its prey
@rickytickybobinwoben4328 8 жыл бұрын
the lizard should puff up with spikes like a puffer fish
@wutsamfamjam6460 8 жыл бұрын
SCORPION = Venom: Meele ability that poisons (Enemy slowly loses health) and slows NOT STUNS enemies recharge time is 7 sec
@mlgbonniefoxy5684 8 жыл бұрын
Also amazing how you did not put the Komodo dragon as hippo cuz it's weird butt!!!great job at this vid!like always hope you get 1000000 subs one day;D
@kali9399 7 жыл бұрын
cookieguy about the camel ability idea is to spit at others for attack or deffence
@juansalgado248 8 жыл бұрын
Owl will be great for the derset.Its abilitys is it can hide in hills or cactus if they add it.
@coffeepot2012 8 жыл бұрын
I think death work should be able to burrow underground and pop up which will cause a small earthquake
@emperort.7300 8 жыл бұрын
Cougar should be like hippo and be able to stun a large area
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